Starting your own insurance agency is a big job. Before you recruit and train downlines, consider these essential steps to ensure your agency's success.
Read MoreHave you ever found yourself asking, "Wait, what's an FMO exactly?" Then this eBook is for you! In 45 pages, we answer your lingering questions about how these organizations function. Explore FMO basics, structure and organization, how agents and FMOs get paid, what FMOs can do for you, and what to look for when choosing a partner. Learn why joining an FMO is often a smart choice for your insurance business.
Read MoreReading books can revitalize an insurance agent and their approach to sales and business. Here are our top picks for new and seasoned agents alike.
Read MoreAre you looking to find new clients who may be interested in purchasing a marketplace insurance plan? Follow our community engagement and marketing suggestions to meet new ACA clients!
Read MoreDo your downlines only sell Medicare products? Expand business when you consider these reasons to add ACA plans to your insurance agency's portfolio.
Read MoreThe systems of insurance hierarchies and levels can be confusing for agents. Explore why carriers and FMOs create them and how they work.
Read MoreYou know how vital the Annual Enrollment and Lock-In Periods are to your business. And as your full-service field marketing organization, we know how to best support you during these times. So, we created these Thrive Tomorrow: AEP and Lock-In Kits to take you beyond surviving and begin thriving this year!
Read MoreWondering how to host turning 65 seminars on a budget? We've got some tips and ideas for Medicare workshops, including affordable locations and marketing partners!
Read MoreProtecting your clients' sensitive PHI and PII is a top priority. Follow these cybersecurity best practices to guard against cybercriminal attacks.
Read MoreTake a look at just how much final expense insurance policies can affordably cover for your clients' end-of-life expenses.
Read MoreThe Comprehensive Guide to Medicare Supplement Underwriting can help simplify the process of Medicare Supplement underwriting for your clients! This FREE 47-page eBook covers why and when carriers require underwriting, how underwriting impacts commissions, how carriers evaluate different health conditions, and more!
Read MoreSome clients may need a short-term health plan to fill in the gaps between coverage. We'll cover the basics of these plans, the best case scenarios, and the ideal clients for a short-term medical plan.
Read MoreNavigating your clients through Med Supp underwriting can be complicated. Learn why carriers underwrite and streamline the process with these tips.
Read MoreWhat does the future of Medicare Part D look like? Ritter believes the health history of the stand-alone PDP market and recent legislation may continue to drive the trend toward MAPD plans.
Read MoreLike being the first to know? So do we. Join the thousands of independent agents getting the first word from Ritter.