Community Engagement & ACA Marketing Suggestions for Agents

When marketing yourself as a reputable insurance agent in your area, getting out into your community is one of the best ways to make valuable connections with clients and notify them of your services.

Unsure of where to get started? Follow our tips to market your services to clients under age 65 who may be interested in purchasing a marketplace insurance plan.

Marketing with Social Media

Today, social media is a powerful tool that can be leveraged by agents to market themselves and network with clients. We recommend creating a social media presence across multiple platforms. Some platforms that could be leveraged by marketplace agents are: Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Recently, small businesses and individuals have also seen success creating an online presence with TikTok.

You can reach clients in new and exciting ways by using TikTok to reach the more than one billion active users that use the app each month. The platform’s short-form content style allows you to give your clients quick pieces of information they need to know. What’s even nicer is agents don’t need to be social media wizards to create powerful posts because of TikTok’s easy-to-use video editing tools that are built into the app.

Agents don’t need to be social media wizards to create powerful posts because of TikTok’s easy-to-use video editing tools that are built into the app.

Whatever app you choose to create a social presence, it’s important to remember that your audience is under age 65 and is most likely online! Create a powerful social media strategy to reach a variety of clients where they are.

Maintain consistency to yield great results from your posts. A report completed by McKinsey & Company found that customers who felt heard by the business they were engaging with were more likely to support that organization, yielding higher profits. Higher quality engagements will result from quality posts, but more importantly, a regular posting schedule. Fostering feelings of trust with clients is crucial to transform customer interactions into sales!

Marketing with Events

Your community is also your client base so practicing community engagement and client interaction is crucial to your success as an independent agent. One benefit of selling Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans is the flexibility of regulations surrounding events.

Consider hosting a seminar about the benefits that can come with an ACA plan or the options that are available in your area. You have a wealth of knowledge that could benefit your clients. Let them know that! Just remember, agents are not allowed to make eligibility determinations and must obtain consent to assist individuals in the marketplace.

If your community hosts public events, consider a vendor booth to share information with potential clients about your services. Clients may approach you and ask questions to get to know you before doing business with you. Consider collecting contact information and consent forms to obtain quality leads. We’ve created a Consumer Authorization Form to ease the stress of collecting that consent.

Many clients who are eligible for ACA plans have lower income levels and may frequent specific locations in your community. Consider community outreach locations such as food banks, public libraries, and local non-profits to meet new clients.

Consider community outreach locations such as food banks, public libraries, and local non-profits to meet new clients.

Consider Your Branding Materials

One way to stand out as a business owner is to have high-impact, standout branding. We recommend that you develop a visual brand to foster recognition with clients and stand out among other vendors at a community event and other professionals in your field.

Your most powerful branding tool could be your business card. A creative, impactful business card is one way to stand out in potential clients’ wallets. We’ve discussed how to create a standout business card previously on our blog. Follow our suggestions to start making valuable connections with clients today.

Many carriers also offer promotional flyers and resources to agents who are contracted with them. Check with your carriers to see if they have branded materials available for you to use in your office or at events!

As a Ritter agent, you have access to, our one-stop shop for branding materials. We offer print products, flyers, pens, and more to reach a wider audience! If you’re planning on attending community events, consider purchasing a tablecloth, with your branding featured on the front, to be easily identified by attendees!

Agents must register with Ritter and have at least one active contract through Ritter to purchase marketing materials on Orders will be rejected if both requirements are not met.

Create Local Partnerships

Since clients can only sign up for a plan that is available in their proper marketplace or offers coverage in their area, we recommend researching local carriers and hospital networks to create partnerships. When looking to develop partnerships, look into the organizations that sell products to your client base and offer services. Approach them and ask about partnership opportunities.

Consider forming partnerships with local professional organizations to get in touch with other professionals who could assist you and your clients. Some examples would be tax preparers and group insurance agencies. These partners offer services that are beneficial to your clients in addition to your services.

Community organizations also make great partnerships. Not only can you host events with local libraries and food banks, but they could also be your next option for a partner.

Consider forming partnerships with local professional organizations to get in touch with other professionals who could assist you and your clients.

To get started, introduce yourself as a health insurance agent and mention that you’re looking to expand your services and that you’re considering a partnership to do so. Explain your current relationship (e.g., selling their plans/products, recommending clients to their offices, etc.).

Providers and hospitals could have your marketing materials available at local events or in their offices. While it may be difficult to recommend a specific plan, they could offer your services instead. Be mindful that partnerships are collaborative and are not a one-sided means of promotion. Consider partnering with high-quality service providers to authentically form a mutually beneficial relationship for both parties.

Foster your partnerships for years, and you’ll be more likely to continue to receive high-quality referrals for years. Maintain these connections with a purpose beyond making a sale, and your partners could develop this relationship even further.

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Making new connections in your community and marketing yourself as a trusted agent is a great way to make new sales and develop your business. We know that getting started can be tricky, but we recommend following these tips!

If you’re not a Ritter agent, register for free today to have access to tools such as ShopRitterIM, our helpful Sales team, and a library of resources (including our Modern Marketing Guide)!

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