Getting Started Selling Medicare Supplements Is Easier Than Ever Before!
If you want to sell Medicare Supplements, you don’t need to spend hours scouring the internet for the basics, like what license is needed to sell Medicare Supplements (just your health insurance license!), how to get licensed and contracted, the competitive Medigap plans, or sales tips. You don’t even have to wait for your upline or IMO to call you back, or that webinar in the middle of the day that takes up time you could be selling. Find what you need to know on how to start selling Medicare Supplement insurance in one place — our free comprehensive training eBook! This guide is full of information, sales tips, action steps, and neat tables and charts to simplify the aspects of selling Medicare Supplements that might be a little complex. And, the neatly organized Table of Contents at the guide’s beginning allows you to quickly and easily find the topics you want to read about.

Discover Fresh Ways to Market & Sell Medicare Supplement Plans
Have some experience with selling Medigap plans? How’s your closing rate? Inside the guide, we share multiple strategies for targeting ideal Medicare Supplement clients, marketing your services online and offline, narrowing down the right plan, pitching it, and more!
Download this free guide today to learn about:
BONUS: This eBook has free tear-outs you can print and use during appointments, including a Medigap Standard Plans & Benefits Chart, an Underwriting Flow Chart, and two telemarketing scripts to help you sell Medicare Supplements over the phone!

Unlock Higher Commissions Without Paying for Them Another Way
How much do agents make selling Medicare Supplements? With the right training, tips, and effort, it’s reasonable to say that you could be making a six-figure annual salary from Medicare Supplement sales alone after just a few years! Our guide covers the sales tools that can help you work efficiently (free access links included!), expand your client base, and turn a bigger profit. Even better? If you’re ready to start a downline of insurance agents, you can download and share this eBook with your recruits to save valuable time training them. Let us work for you!
See What's Inside!
Quickly and efficiently learn how to successfully sell Medicare Supplements in our comprehensive guide. Check it out by watching this short video!
We simply ask that you provide a little information about yourself, and our complete 52-page eBook is all yours upon clicking Download. You don’t have to sign with our company, pay any hidden fees, or agree to a consultation (though we’d love it if you’d consider joining our family of agents)!
Enjoy the Free, Complete Training & Sales Support You Desire & Deserve!
At Ritter Insurance Marketing, our primary goal is to help agents grow their businesses quickly, efficiently, and compliantly. We’re committed to being a trusted source for information on selling health insurance and ancillary plans, whether you’re one of the thousands of agents who already trust and work with our company or not! We’ve been specializing in the senior health and life insurance markets for more than 23 years, and our company leaders have even more first-hand experience selling out in the field. With this guide, we seek to give all insurance agents access to free comprehensive training, that includes a ton of helpful, accurate information relevant to today’s market.
We sincerely hope this guide helps you easily understand the ins and outs of this product and accomplish your business goals! Fill out the form to get your free download today.
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